VBC Securities, LLC
. . . where Vision Builds Confidence ™
Established 1970

VBC helps you understand the investments you choose to buy based on your investment objectives. Would you buy bank shares without knowing what banks do? Would you buy CDs without knowing how they work? Would you invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options or annuities without understanding their markets, their fundamentals, their payoffs under various scenarios? You must keep in mind that investing in securities involves risks and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. Remember also that past performance is no guarantee of future results.
With a wide range of financial products available, we can help you select the right products to suit your needs. By building long-term relationships, we help you build your investment confidence as you strive to realize your goals through thoughtful investing. By taking the time to explain what these products are, how they work and what risks are associated with them, we help build your confidence within your risk tolerance.
A stock is an equity security that represents ownership in a corporation. Each share of stock represents a claim on the corporation’s earnings and assets. Corporations may issue both common stock and
preferred stock. Stockholders accept the risks inherent in owning a company.
A bond represents the indebtedness of their issuer. A bond is any interest-bearing or discounted government or corporate security that obligates the issuer to pay the bondholder a specified sum for the use of the money, usually at specific intervals, and to repay the principal amount of the loan at maturity.
Mutual Funds
A mutual fund is operated by an investment company that raises a pool of money from shareholders and invests it into stocks, bonds, options, futures, currencies or money market securities. All shareholders share equally in the gains and losses generated by the fund. A mutual fund’s investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses are stated in the prospectus.
Derivative Instruments
A derivative instrument is a contract whose value is derived from the performance of an underlying financial asset, index or other investments. When used properly, they can create many benefits, including the reduction of risk. Options are the most common derivatives.
An annuity is a form of contract sold by life insurance companies that guarantees a fixed or variable payment to the owner of the annuity, the annuitant, at some future time, usually at retirement. All capital in an annuity grows tax-deferred.
Here at VBC Securities we take pride in our ability to understand our clients needs and provide them with investment strategies that fit those needs. If you have any questions about our investment products: